Policies & Procedures
Meet and Greet:
Pet Sitters Plus, LLC. requires a free meet and greet before providing you and your family with any of our services. At the meet and greet please have the following items ready:
1) Keys- two (2) or one (1) key and a garage code
2) Security alarm information
3) Community gate codes- If we need a code to enter your community and one for the walking gates please be prepared to provide them
4) Payment methods- checks, cash, or credit cards
5) Regular dog leash
6) Vaccinations forms
7) Veterinarian contact information release/permission (Medical Emergency)
8) Evacuation plans- Hurricanes, etc.
9) Secondary contact person information- neighbor, relative, community association
10) Any service companies or persons that will be working on the or around the house while we are there
11) Emergency Pet Guardianship Documentation
Pet Sitters Plus, LLC. must be made aware of ANY pet health and or aggression issues at the Meet & Greet. We reserve the right to refuse service based on health, temperament, and interaction issues.
You must provide two (2) sets of keys. If Pet Sitters Plus, LLC. is required to make a second key the fee is $20. If garage code is used as the key, we require that we have an entry code and one key. In this case one key copy is required in case of power outage or door code not working.
The keys collected are coded by your pets’ names, no personal information is included on the key chain. All the keys are placed in a locked safe until needed. At the end of the service the keys are collected and placed back into the safe. One set of the keys are used as a backup and are located in a locked safe. They are used in cases of emergency and are used by the backup sitter. If you ae involved in an accident, experience a health problem, or other emergency, we will have a key to access your home and provide care for your pet(s).
Pet Sitters Plus, LLC. will provide one (1) key pickup (at consultation) and one (1) free key return (after your first pet sit). After that, clients who choose not to keep a key on file in the office will incur a $18 key pickup/return fee for each key exchange. We will not leave your key in an unlocked unsafe hiding place after our last visit. We will not lock keys in your house after our final visit. If you get delayed in returning home, we will have no way to access your house to care for your pet(s).
Security Systems Protocol:
Please notify security company that we will be onsite. We require that you let us know the following information:
- Codes
- What security company you use
- Their phone number
- Your phone codes
- Any additional information
- Your permission to speak to the security company
It is important that you inform us of any changes made to this service before you leave town.
Emergency Pet Guardianship:
Pet Sitters Plus is ready to help you with emergency life situations the best way we can by providing guardianship information and contact paperwork. To do so we need to have the following information:
- Your pets’ emergency pet guardianship contact information:
- The guardians’ name
- The guardians’ address
- The guardians’ phone numbers:
- Cell phone numbers
- Home numbers
- Work numbers
Pet Sitters Plus, LLC. considers all pet(s) that we provide services to as one of our own pet(s) and part of our own family members. Therefore, we would not treat your pet(s) any differently than we do with our own. We will NOT abuse, neglect, ignore, disrespect, or harm any of the pet(s) that we have in our care.
No Pet Left Behind: We need to be notified of all the pets at your location inside or outside. All dogs and cats need to be visited everyday at least twice (2) a day for dogs and once a day for all other pets. We cannot guarantee that free roaming outdoor cats will be seen by our sitters therefore; we request that if they are indoor/outdoor cats that they be left inside during our visit.
Due to pet illness/injury a specific visit time CANNOT be guaranteed for your pets’ visits. We will visit your pets within the two-hour time window indicated in our scheduling program. Pets requiring special medical attention, time-sensitive medication dosage, puppies, and senior pets will be given priority, as a more exact consistent time frame is needed for these pets.
Pet Sitters Plus does not walk our dogs or our clients’ dogs on a retractable dog leashes. We have decided to refuse to walk dogs with a retractable due to the accountability and reliability of this device. Please plan for our arrival with the use of a regular dog leash.
All vaccinations and forms must be provided for all of your pets prior to our services. If not, Pet Sitters Plus reserves the right to deny service.
Medical Emergencies:
Our medical emergency form (included) must be signed authorizing us to take your pet to the veterinary in case of emergencies and a payment plan must be put in place with the veteran office.
If a client’s pet(s) become ill while under our care, this authorizes Pet Sitters Plus, LLC. To transport ill pet(s) to their veterinarian for treatment and allows us to address the medical issue. Every effort would be made to contact client or client’s emergency contact to approve any emergency treatment recommended by the veterinarian (unless otherwise stated in the veterinarian release form which must be signed by the client.) If we are unable to reach anyone, we are authorized to act on your behalf to approve treatment.