We can also feed, give medications, or cuddle time if we have time during the visit.
Pet Sitters Plus provides daily walks and breaks from 8 am through 5 pm.
Our prices range from $24 to $40 depends on which package you choose.
Included in all visits:
- House check to make sure that your pet has not left us any surprises. If so, we will clean the area and make sure the house is safe and secure.
- Feed the pet(s), give medicines, and always give fresh water.
- Play time and lots of TLC.
-This includes visits that are just for letting the dog(s) go out into the enclosed yards.
We recommend this option for our small breed, older, and sick dogs.
Included in all visits:
- House check to make sure that your pet has not left us any surprises. If so, we will clean the area and make sure the house is safe and secure.
- Feed the pet(s), give medicines, and always give fresh water.
- Play time and lots of TLC.