Sitters arrives between 7 pm and 9 pm and departs at 7 am.
When scheduling the overnights please do not forget to schedule their daily dog visits or potty breaks. They are at a special rate when they are connected with the overnights.
Pet Sitters Plus has 3 different options for our services please review each one and see which one works for your needs.
The options are:
Overnight WITHOUT any additional day visits
Overnight WITH ONE additional day visits
Overnight WITH TWO additional day visits
With this package we provide you with JUST an overnight stay. We come in and give them a late night walk, breakfast, and a morning walk.
overnight stay, taking care of your best buddy.
With this package, we provide you with JUST an overnight stay. We come in at and give them a late night walk, breakfast, and a morning walk.
With this option we offer:
We will come by at noon for the
This visit lasts just an hour and we can walk the dogs, feed the pets, and spend the time cuddling the pets.
an hour visit at noon and
an hour visit in the evening at
These visits are in addition to the two walks and breakfast feeding you receive with the overnight.
The extra visit is included in the prices.